Monday, March 14, 2016

2 Years in a Nutshell

We have had the most amazing year, actually make that 2 years!  A little more than 2 years ago we were in a really low place -no secure job, living with family, and really struggling.  Struggling to make ends meet, struggling to be our own family, but especially struggling to figure out a direction, a solution, where to start to fix and change our circumstances.  My husband was doing a lot of soul-searching and we were both feeling frustrated and at out wits end.  Over all we felt like there were good things in our future like there was something so much bigger than what we were currently living.  We had faith that God had something for us, that things would change. But everything looked so bleak and so grey and at the same time the choices felt so overwhelming because when you feel you may need to start at square one (meaning reconsidering any and every direction we'd ever remotely thought about), overwhelmed is the feeling that follows!  Like I said though, my husband was doing a lot of soul searching and so was I.  We had made the decision early on in our marriage that I would be at home with our children something we questioned a handful of times through our financial difficulties, but me going to work never felt right.  So I was trying to figure out how to best support my Hubby in all that he was trying to figure out.

Suffice it to say there was a lot of prayer, many many tears, some heated discussions, desperation, some more tears, and even more prayer! This went on for weeks and months. It was not our first experience with these feelings or the last over the 6 years we lived with family. Then at the suggestion of a friend, my husband started looking into working for the State Department and no I don't mean the state we live in, I mean the federal foreign service kind.  It turned out they have specialist positions in his field. This was sounding good, really good, it meant we did not have to go back to school for an entirely different degree, which was a great relief to me. As a family of  6, starting over did not sound fun.  Working for the DOS (Department of State) would mean moving somewhere new around the world every few years and possibly having Tom go solo on a post and leave us behind. The thought of contributing to our nations foreign relations and raising our boys around the world felt so amazing! It was like a the perfect dream job that we didn't know existed until then. We were also prepared to face the possibility of Tom going to a post on his own. Military families do this all the time, so while certainly not easy, we felt this was the biggest drawback and we could make that sacrifice if necessary.  We also came up with another option that seemed to fit well with Tom's experience and strengths as a plan B.  I just knew we needed a solid direction, one we could both commit to and see it through to the end despite bumps in the road - no more wishy washy!

So after much discussion we took our thoughts to our room and prayed. We prayed together, we prayed individually, we prayed together again.  This is probably one of the most distinct prayerful experiences I have ever had.  I remember seeing and feeling Tom's confidence after we prayed as he said that the State Department felt like the right direction.  I felt the same.  If there is one thing we have learned throughout our marriage its that things generally work out when we have taken it to the Lord and then feel unified!  I felt so much relief!  More tears and prayer followed but this time out of gratitude.

Later I remember returning to fall on my knees again.  I was so surprised and excited that my husband had finally found a direction he could commit to it felt groundbreaking. He is a cautious decision maker and has a hard time shutting doors that could potentially lead to possibilities. I remember pleading with all my heart: "Heavenly Father Tom has finally  decided on a direction; something he feels he can commit to! Please reward his efforts in this direction please help us on this path." I remember feeling such peace and excitement. I knew that things would start falling into place as we worked in this direction.

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